Thursday, March 5, 2020

Compulsive Eating essays

Compulsive Eating essays Compulsive eating is an addiction to food. Being addicted to food is not like, gone all day without food fascination, it is not eating for pleasure it is eating out of compulsion (Moran, 2012). Over eating and being addicted to food is the exact same as if you were to drink, smoke, take drugs, etc. (Moran, 2012). The only difference is there is no cut off, nothing to stop taking because you cannot stop eating completely. There are several different types of compulsive eating disorders. Three main disorders are; binge eating, bulimia, and anorexia. These all are very similar in meaning because they all involve unhealthy eating patterns, but in reality differ greatly (New, 2011). We sometimes use food to hide our real emotions. We are too afraid to show how we are really feeling, so instead of talking about it, we eat. Compulsive eaters do this in such a way that it becomes an eating disorder. Though this is an extreme disorder that should be taken very seriously; it is not. People, who have compulsive eating disorders, eat for the same reasons people take drugs. But for some reason, that I do not quite understand, we seem to accept the idea of the drug-addicted rock star (Miet, 2012). Most people today tend to overlook compulsive eating because it has no actual cut off. No way to have any withdraws like you would if you were a drug addict or an alcoholic. Those who over eat do not see food as pleasure; they see it as compulsion (Moran, 2012). Those with compulsive eating disorders think of food as a way out. A way to satisfy depression, fill an empty void, or even a way to wallow in your own self-pity. In a sense, compulsive eating is the same as being an alcoholic, or a drug addict. But that is only the way it seems, there is still a huge difference. Compulsive eating allows you to still be able to wake up early in the morning, prepare lunches for your family, visit your parents, and have a normal life (Moran, 2012). This is why ...

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