Thursday, January 2, 2020

Crime Rates in the South - 1776 Words

Data consistently shows that Southern U.S. has higher violent-crime rates than other regions of the United States (Anderson, 2001). The heat hypothesis and the southern culture of honor hypothesis are among the many explanations for the high violence rates in the south. The heat hypothesis claims, heat increases aggressive behaviors (Anderson, 2001). However, Baron and Bell tested the hypothesis and found contradicting results. They found, high heat reduces aggression if there are other discomforting factors involved. Accordingly, Baron and Bell found, aggression increase if heat is the only discomforting variable upon a person. Cohen tested the southern â€Å"culture of honor† and found significance in the explanation. He states, crimes rates†¦show more content†¦Finally, participants were asked to complete an ambiguous scenario. In the third experiment participants walked down a narrow hallway that could only fit one person. As they walked they approached a masculi ne confederate and were assessed on the distance they walked before submitting to the confederate. In the end, they were asked to complete a â€Å"questioner† on how masculine the confederate would rate them and how masculine they identify themselves to be. In the first experiment, observers rated southern participants as more angered and northern participants as more amused by the insult situation. However, the judgment tasks did not show any significant different between northern and southern participants, with the exception of the insult stimulating scenario task, which found southern participants to be more aggressive. In the second experiment cortisol and testosterone levels of southern participants were higher than northern participants (Cohen 1975). However, there was no significant different between northern and southern participants in choosing shock levels, and in completing the ambiguous scenario tasks. In the third experiment, the results showed southern participa nts walked a farther distance before complying with the confederate in the narrow hallway. However, both Northern and Southern participants did not think this situation had any effects on how masculineShow MoreRelatedSouth Carolina Should Reduce Crime Rates Essay1558 Words   |  7 Pagescorrelation could imply causation, then crime rates are extremely high due to the increase amounts of people being incarcerated. South Carolina should offer a proposal to reduce crime rates. Possible proposals to reduce crime rates- offering inmates or ex-convicted felons opportunities to find jobs, developed new skills or trade, and the ability to asses counselling once release. These alternatives can possibly improve not only the society, but also South Carolina. 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